Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Shiki Kukai

her blue eyes
hide behind dark glasses
the curve of her leg…

~John Daleiden, Phoenix, Arizona in the Sonoran Desert
Free Format: Blue (color only--not emotion)
06-02-2012: Entered

the blue sky
darkens suddenly with dust
a monsoon haboob

a blue sky morning
the scent of roses mingles
with coffee
     ~~~      ~~~     ~~

loves me…loves me not…
each gold petal falls
along the path

John Daleiden, Phoenix, Arizona in the Sonoran Desert
06-04-2012: Entered

Kigo Topic: the July 2012 kigo is "TALK". Entries must state or strongly image the topic. As explained in William J. Higginson's poetry almanac, talk can encompass sweet nothings as well as an argument; it's all about communication.

~John Daleiden

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